Aquamarijn Low-porosity microsieves

Brand: Aquamarijn
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Low-porosity microsieves are typically used in microsieve filtration applications or as a nanostencil during shadow mask deposition. Sieves can be mounted in POM mounting discs (13mm or 25mm) for dead-end filtration units or in Stainless steel discmounts (29mm) for a crossflow filtration unit

Specifications table for low-porosity microsieves(chip size: 5×5 mm2, chip thickness: 0.4mm)

For chip size: 10×10 mm2, contact us for a quote.

Pore size (µm) Pore pitch (µm) Porosity (%) Pores
2 8 5.7 113,666
3 12 5.7 50,518
4 16 5.7 28,416
5 14 11.6 32,984
6 24 5.7 12,630
7 28 5.7 9,279
8 32 5.7 7,104
9 36 5.7 5,613
10 40 5.7 4,547

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