I didn’t train for about one month from the beginning of last December since my neck was seriously hurt by extreme exercises. I had to go to hospital to treat my neck.
In the middle of December when COVID-19 was breakout throughout the whole China, including Shenzhen. Last Tuesday (27th, Dec) at the evening I began to feel cold and got a fever. I knew I got the COVID-19 eventually. Sunday I began to cough.
So the whole December I was in house without exercises and traininbg that I did for decades. At least the last two decades I was able to fall in asleep in one second as well as I decided to sleep.
I quarantined myself in the company during this outbreak. At the first few days I didn’t go out for a walk I cooked by myself. So my lifestyle was changed a lot that I was unable to fall in asleep as soon as possible that I did before.
Tonight (5th Jan.) 10 o’clock pm I was unable to sleep so I went out for a walk.
I hope after the walk I can sleep well tonight.
During the walk I felt guilty because I was used to overwork but during one month i didn’t overwork as I did past decades.
Walking and thinking. When I visited Zhihu, there is a tread about what domain you gave up. My two short domains have been using www.wbsell.com for email. And wbusi.com for exporting.
All my websites were for local customers. We buy overseas products for them.
I generated wbusi.com to export products to meet overseas customers with China overseas
Today I visited a Spanish eshop. There are many products in that eshop. That gave me some tips. No enough products, no sales volume.
So I have to find more products both import and export.
I will walk and think more.